
Hey girl, hey!

I’m Chelsea and I’m just a girl who:

1. Wishes she was Lizzie McGuire

2. Is on a perpetual mission to find the best biscuit on planet earth

3. Lives at Target

4. Uses too much dry shampoo

5. Is either covered in spit up or cheeto dust at all times

6. Relies heavily a whole lotta Coffee + Jesus #mamahood

If this sounds like you, we’ll make FANTASTIC best friends.

A Bit More About Me

Before launching Penny + June, I was a Junior High and High School fine arts teacher for six years. In the summer of 2017 (before my 6th year of teaching began), my husband and I welcomed our daughter Adelynne into the world! While I was on maternity I realized how incredible it was to be at home with my baby. I went back to work, still loving my job as a teacher, but with an unshakable feeling that I was supposed to be at home with her.

The following March I decided to take a leap into the unknown and trust that the fire inside me to be a stay at home mom was God-given, and He had a grand adventure planned for me and my family. I’m here today with proof that that couldn’t have been more true! When I decided to leave my full-time teaching job to pursue my dream of being a stay at home mama, I began taking steps towards creating the life I always dreamed of.

Along with cultivating a community of amazing women on my Instagram, selling photography presets, and booking photoshoots, I began working as a freelance graphic designer, that’s when the fire within me was ignited! As time passed, I began realizing what how passionate I was becoming for serving female entrepreneurs by helping them achieve their business goals. As a work at home mom, myself, I found such camaraderie in working with someone who also valued the nap time hustle game and post-bedtime late night work sessions. My heart is to serve, grow, connect, and build long lasting relationships with my clients that bring about business growth and personal encouragement.

xoxo, Chelsea